Wednesday, August 14, 2019

War between the Confederation and the Union Movie Review

War between the Confederation and the Union - Movie Review Example The documentary also tries to build a personal account of the life of Robert E. Lee, the main hero and center point of the documentary by detailing his personal life, emotions, travails, and changes that the country faced during the war. The documentary starts with the personal life of Robert E. Lee and shows his upbringing in the initial period. It showcases the different events that shaped his early life and perception, his devotion to becoming a soldier, his pursuit of excellence and striving to be the best. It documents the early life and the Mexican war that established him as a dashing soldier. It also takes us through the period of secession and his refusal to take up the leadership of the Union forces during it. He served as a senior military advisor to President Jefferson Davis. It shows the seven-day wars, the wars of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Overall, this documentary tries to paint a picture of the war from the perspective of Robert E. Lee. The letters from him to his children were also documented. The Overland campaign of General Grant is also mentioned, along with the change in fortunes of the Confederate military. This led to an overall change in the position of the army in the Confederate states. It also led to the surrender of the Confederate army. This war of secession is a recurrent theme in the documentary. In fact, this theme is used to develop the storyline of the documentary. It also shows the genesis of the main character, Robert E. Lee over this period. This is one of the fundamental aspects of this character. He undergoes a lot of transitions, from being the main military advisor to becoming the main man behind the rebellion. The documentary in many ways also tried to reflect the realities of the America of the 1900s, from the themes of slavery to the lifestyle in America. It bears testimony to the theme of slavery, and the other aspects of American life that became a part of its evolution into the current day Unites States. SCO PE OF THE DOCUMENTARY The documentary follows a pattern wherein it juxtaposes the war of Confederate and the Union States with the life of Robert E. Lee. It follows all the events in the life of Lee, starting from the early years to the growth in the army and the overall genesis into an astute general. In many ways, there are certain themes that are recurrent in the documentary. These are the themes of slavery, the themes of the political situation of the country and the other associated factors. The documentary maintains a narrative wherein a lot of importance has been put on the costumes. The costumes are very authentic and depict to the life and times in the 1900s. There is a lot of inherent color and hue in the dressing of the main characters.

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