Friday, August 9, 2019

Environmental Planning Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Environmental Planning - Coursework Example Difficulties in the enforcement of planning conditions due to lack of resourceful expertise. The federal government sets policies for environmental planning that help to improve climate adaptation and ecological development strategies within policies set by the government. The local government works hand in hand with the people regarding social issues affecting them as to enable them develop strategies for planning (Rydin & Pennington, 2000). The U.S government has ensured that the necessary tools for planning are available to enhance the smooth flow of this process, such tools include centralized databases and providing an excellent coverage of environmental knowledge. The government has set up policies that favor the environmental planning process; such as discouraging industrial pollution. Politics does not closely handle environmental problems on long term basis as they look at only the short term effects associated with social and economic influence as per their election term. Should an environmental problem arise such as floods that need immediate attention, the government policies to handle it are difficult to come by hence delaying the strategic decision process (Meadowcroft, 2002). The environment is a source of income and ecological factors affecting it affect incomes of the people and the fiscal plan of the government. Environmental planning has an effect on economic activity through things such as infrastructure that play a major role in production (Muthoo,

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