Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discrimination in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Discrimination in the Workplace - Essay Example Therefore being able to show the adverse impact plays a very vital role in discriminatory practice allegations. This adverse impact refers to the total employment process. Those result in a significantly higher percentage of a protected group in the population being rejected for employment, placement or promotion. Along with the above we also need to consider that unfair treatment does not necessarily equal illegal discrimination. If an individual is treated differently from the others than the EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity laws) are being violated. there can be a few specific kinds of discrimination taking place such as discrimination on the basis of cast color or creed , discrimination on the basis of age , sexual discrimination , disability discrimination etc It is quite obvious that if we have employees facing discrimination issues at work and we as management have been unable to recognize or rectify those we can expect the productivity to go down seriously. All of this affects the human mind which in turn affects the human behaviors and perception. Contributing further to the problem is the fact that most victims of discrimination do not sue or complain. Instead they quit or try to avoid situations wherein they would feel discriminated. The discriminators sometimes do not even realize that their behavior is offending others. So in this regard Workplace discrimination training and policies can reduce these problems. In order for us to be able to deal with discrimination effectively we need to follow the simple steps of: Initially becoming aware of the anti discrimination laws, also becoming aware of how you can identify such occurrences at your workplace and try a put an end to them. Secondly, paying very close attention to what exactly the environment is at your workplace then again it being vital that you are able to identify the discrimination occurring at your workplace. You as the management have to be very careful in assessing what is going on around you that are not too visible. In other words try reading between the lines. If you are deciding to give appraisals to a few employees in specific, make sure that all the employees get equal benefit out of your decision.

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