Saturday, August 31, 2019

Health Improvement Essay

To address this challenge, the world’s governments committed themselves at the United Nations Millennium Summit to the Millennium Development Goals, including the overarching goal of halving extreme poverty by the year 2015. Yet, our planet’s capacity to sustain us is eroding. The problems are well-known – degrading agricultural lands, shrinking forests, diminishing supplies of clean water, dwindling fisheries, and the threat of growing social and ecological vulnerability from climate change and loss of biological diversity. While these threats are global, their impacts are most severe in the developing world – especially among people living in poverty who have the least means to cope. Is this environmental decline inevitable in order for poverty to be reduced? We argue not. Indeed, quite the opposite is true. If we do not successfully arrest and reverse these problems, the world will not be able to meet the Millennium Development Goals, particularly the goal of halving extreme poverty. As this paper demonstrates, tackling environmental degradation is an integral part of effective and lasting poverty reduction. The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) provides the international community with a pivotal opportunity to redirect the global debate, and to forge a more integrated and effective global response to poverty and environmental decline. To succeed, we need to focus on the most important links between poverty, the environment and sustainable development. For many, ensuring sound environmental management means curtailment of economic opportunities and growth, rather than their expansion †¦ too often; it is viewed as a cost rather than an investment. Prepared as a contribution to the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development focuses on ways to reduce poverty and sustain growth by improving management of the environment, broadly defined. It seeks to draw out the links between poverty and the environment, and to demonstrate that sound and equitable environmental management is integral to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, in particular eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, reducing child mortality, combating major diseases, and ensuring environmental sustainability. Four priority areas for sustained policy and institutional change are highlighted: ?Improving governance for pro-poor and pro-environment policies, institutions and services, with particular attention to the needs of women and children; ?Enhancing the assets of the poor and reducing their vulnerability to environment-related shocks and conflict; ?Improving the quality of growth to protect the asset base of the poor and expand opportunities for sustainable livelihoods; ?Reforming international and industrialized country policies related to trade, foreign direct investment, aid and debt. Policy opportunities exist to reduce poverty and improve the environment The environment matters greatly to people living in poverty. The poor often depend directly on natural resources and ecological services for their livelihoods; they are often the most affected by unclean water, indoor air pollution and exposure to toxic chemicals; and they are particularly vulnerable to environmental hazards such as floods and prolonged drought, and to environment-related conflict. Addressing these poverty-environment linkages must be at the core of national efforts to eradicate poverty. Many policy opportunities exist to reduce poverty by improving the environment – but there are significant and often deeply entrenched policy and institutional barriers to their widespread adoption. The past decade of experience since the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio reveals some important lessons that help point the way forward. Three broad lessons are highlighted here: ?First and foremost, poor people must be seen as part of the solution – rather than part of the problem. Efforts to improve environmental management in ways that contribute to sustainable growth and poverty reduction must begin with the poor themselves. Given the right incentives and support – including access to information and participation in decision-making – the poor will invest in environmental improvements to enhance their livelihoods and well-being. At the same time, however, it is essential to address the activities of the non-poor since they are the source of most environmental damage. The environmental quality of growth matters to the poor. Environmental improvement is not a luxury preoccupation that can wait until growth has alleviated income poverty, nor can it be assumed that growth itself will take care of environmental problems over the longer-term as a natural by-product of increasing affluence. First, this ignores the fundamental importance of environmental goods and services to the livelihoods and well-being of the rural and urban poor. Second, there are many examples of how bad environmental management is bad for growth, and of how the poor bear a disproportionate share of the costs of environmental degradation. Ignoring the environmental soundness of growth – even if this leads to short-run economic gains – can undermine long-run growth and its effectiveness in reducing poverty. ?Environmental management cannot be treated separately from other development concerns, but requires integration into poverty reduction and sustainable development efforts in order to achieve significant and lasting results. Improving environmental management in ways that benefit the poor requires policy and institutional changes that cut across sectors and lie mostly outside the control of environmental institutions – changes in governance, domestic economic policy, and in international policies. Improving governance ?Integrate poverty-environment issues into nationally-owned poverty reduction strategies, including macroeconomic and sect oral policy reforms and action programmes, so that they can become national sustainable development strategies. Engage poor and marginalized groups in policy and planning processes to ensure that the key environmental issues that affect them are adequately addressed, to build ownership, and to enhance the prospects for achieving lasting results. Address the poverty-environment concerns of poor women and children and ensure that they are given higher priority and fully integrated into poverty reduction strategies and policy reforms – for example, the growing burden of collecting scarce water and fuelwood supplies, and the effects of long-term exposure to polluted indoor air. Implement anti-corruption measures to counter the role of corruption in the misuse of natural resources and weak enforcement of environmental regulations – for example, the destructive impacts of illegal logging and unregulated mining, or the preference for construction of new power and water investments over increasing the efficiency of existing investments. ?Improve poverty-environment indicators to document environmental change and how it affects poor people, and integrate into national poverty monitoring systems. This should be complemented by measures to improve citizens’ access to environmental information. Enhancing the assets of the poor ?Strengthen resource rights of the poor by reforming the wider range of policies and institutions that influence resource access, control and benefit-sharing, with particular attention to resource rights for women. This includes central and sub-national government, traditional authorities, the legal system, and local land boards, commissions and tribunals. Support decentralization and local environmental management – land, water and forest resource management, and provision of water supply and sanitation services – by strengthening local management capacity and supporting women’s key roles in managing natural resources. ?Expand access to environmentally-sound and pro-poor technology, such as crop production technologies that conserve soil and water and minimize the use of pesticides, or appropriate renewable energy and energy e fficient technologies that also minimize air pollution. This includes support for indigenous technologies, and the need to address the social, cultural, financial and marketing aspects of technical change. ?Promote measures that reduce the environmental vulnerability of the poor by strengthening participatory disaster preparedness and prevention capacity, supporting the formal and informal coping strategies of vulnerable groups, and expanding access to insurance and other risk management mechanisms. Reduce the vulnerability of the poor to environment-related conflict by improving conflict resolution mechanisms in the management of natural resources and addressing the underlying political issues that affect resource access. Improving the quality of growth ?Integrate poverty-environment issues in economic policy and decision-making by strengthening the use of environmental assessment and poverty social impact analysis. Improve environmental valuation at both the macro and micro level, in order to highlight the full cost of environmental deg radation for the poor in particular and the economy in general, and to improve economic decision-making. ?Expand private sector involvement in pro-poor environmental management to maximize the efficiency gains from private sector participation, while safeguarding the interests of the poor. This requires capacity within government to negotiate with the private sector – for example, to ensure that utility privatization benefits the poor – and to forge effective public-private partnerships that enhance the poor’s access to environmental services. ?Implement pro-poor environmental fiscal reform including reform of environmentally-damaging subsidies, improved use of rent taxes to better capture and more effectively allocate resource revenues, and improved use of pollution charges to better reflect environmental costs in market prices. Reforming international and industrialized country policies ?Reform trade and industrialized country subsidy policies to open up markets to developing country imports while avoiding environmental protectionism, and to reduce subsidies that lead to unsustainable exploitation – such as subsidies for large-scale commercial fishing fleets that encourage over-harvesting in developing country fisheries. . Make foreign direct investment more pro-poor and pro-environment by encouraging multinational corporations to comply with the revised OECD Code of Conduct for Multinational Enterprises, and to report on the environmental impact of their activities in line with the UN Environment Programme’s Global Reporting Initiative. ?Increase funding for the Global Environment Facility as the major source of funding for global public goods in the environment, such as a stable climate, maintenance of biodiversity, clean international waters and the protective ozone layer. These benefit the whole world as well as the poor themselves – so the rich world must pay a fair share for their maintenance. ?Enhance the contribution of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) to national development objectives by strengthening developing country capacity to participate in the negotiation and implementation of MEAs (for example, to ensure that the Clean Development Mechanism promotes investments that benefit the poor). Also, improved coordination is needed between MEAs so that scarce developing country capacity is used most effectively. ?Encourage sustainable consumption and production – industrialized country consumers and producers through their trade, investment, pollution emissions and other activities affect the environmental conditions of developing countries. Making rich country consumption and production more sustainable will require a complex mix of institutional changes – addressing market and government failures as well as broad public attitudes. Enhance the effectiveness of development cooperation and debt relief with more priority for poverty-environment issues, particularly for the poorest countries where aid and debt relief continue to have a valuable role to play in helping governments to make many of the changes recommended above. Mainstream environment in donor agency operations through staff training, development and application of new skills, tools and approaches, and revisions to the way resources and budgets are allocated. Transparent monitoring of progress against stated objectives and targets is needed in order to hold development agencies accountable and to ensure that a commitment by senior management to addressing poverty-environment issues is put into practice throughout the organization. Conclusion This paper looks ahead with some degree of hope and optimism for the future – there are sometimes win-win opportunities, and there are rational ways of dealing with trade-offs. Environmental degradation is not inevitable, nor the unavoidable result of economic growth. On the contrary, sound and equitable environmental management is key to sustained poverty reduction and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. There are significant policy opportunities to reduce poverty and improve the environment, but more integrated and pro-poor approaches are needed. The World Summit on Sustainable Development is an opportunity to focus on what is most important and to forge a coherent framework for action, with clear goals and achievable targets backed-up by adequate resources and effective and transparent monitoring mechanisms. There can be no more important goal than to reduce and ultimately eradicate poverty on our planet. PART 1 Why the Environment Matters to People Living in Poverty â€Å"Water is life and because we have no water, life is miserable† (Kenya) â€Å"We think the earth is generous; but what is the incentive to produce more than the family needs if there are no access roads to get produce to a market? † (Guatemala) â€Å"In the monsoons there is no difference between the land in front of our house and the public drain. You can see for yourself† (India) In their own words, the environment matters greatly to people living in poverty. Indeed, poor people’s perceptions of well-being are strongly related to the environment in terms of their livelihoods, health, vulnerability, and sense of empowerment and ability to control their lives. Figure 1 provides a simplified framework for understanding how environmental management relates to poverty reduction, and why these poverty-environment linkages must be at the core of action to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and related national poverty eradication and sustainable development objectives. Environmental management for poverty reductionDimensions of povertyDevelopment goals Part 1 of the paper focuses on the poverty-environment relationship by examining how environmental conditions in both rural and urban settings relate to three key dimensions of human poverty and well-being: ?Livelihoods – poor people tend to be most dependent upon the environment and the direct use of natural resources, and therefore are the most severely affected when the environment is degraded or their access to natural resources is limited or denied; Health – poor people suffer most when water, land and the air are polluted; ?Vulnerability – the poor are most often exposed to environmental hazards and environment-related conflict, and are least capable of coping when they occur. We also are concerned with the relationship between growth and the environment and how it affects the poor and efforts to reduce poverty. The environmental soundness of growth matters considerably to the poor, and countries with similar levels of income and growth can have quite different levels of environmental performance. While Figure 1 illustrates the main pathways between environmental conditions and dimensions of poverty, in reality these linkages are multi-dimensional, dynamic and often inter-connected: ?Poverty is now widely viewed as encompassing both income and non-income dimensions of deprivation – including lack of income and other material means; lack of access to basic social services such as education, health and safe water; lack of personal security; and lack of empowerment to participate in the political process and in decisions that influence one’s life. The dynamics of poverty also are better understood, and extreme vulnerability to external shocks is now seen as one of its major features. Environment refers to the biotic and abiotic components of the natural world that together support life on earth – as a provider of goods (natural resources) and ecosystem services utilized for food production, energy and as raw material; a recipient and partial recycler of waste products from the economy; and an important source of recreation, beauty, spiritual values and other amenities. The nature and dynamics of poverty-environment linkages are context-specific – reflecting both geographic location and economic, social and cultural characteristics of individuals, households and social groups. Different social groups can prioritize different environmental issues (Brocklesby and Hinshelwood, 2001). In rural areas, poor people are particularly concerned with their access to and the quality of natural resources, especially water, cro p and grazing land, forest products and biomass for fuel. For the urban poor, water, energy, sanitation and waste removal are key concerns. Poor women regard safe and physically close access to potable water, sanitation facilities and abundant energy supplies as crucial aspects of well-being, reflecting their primary role in managing the household. ?Environmental management, as used in this paper, extends well beyond the activities of public environmental institutions. In relation to poverty, environmental management is concerned fundamentally with sustaining the long-term capacity of the environment to provide the goods and services upon which people and economies depend. This means improving environmental conditions and ensuring equitable access to environmental assets – in particular land and biological resources, and safe and affordable water supply and sanitation – in order to expand poor people’s livelihood opportunities, protect their health and capacity to work, and reduce their vulnerability to environment-related risks. This broader conception of poverty and environment, and of environmental management, is essential to understanding the linkages between them and to identifying appropriate policy and institutional options for improving these linkages. There have been some impressive gains since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment – the first global conference devoted to environment and development issues. There has been a proliferation of environmental policies and institutions at national and sub-national levels, and environmental issues are firmly placed on the agendas of governments, civil society and the private sector. Major global environmental agreements have been forged and global environmental organizations established. Environmental sustainability has become a core concern of bilateral and multilateral development cooperation, and billions of dollars have been spent on environment-related programmes and projects. Tangible progress also has been achieved ‘on the ground’, although the picture is usually mixed. For example, in the 1990s some 900 million people gained access to improved water sources. However, this was merely enough to keep pace with population growth, and about 1. 2 billion people are still without access to improved water sources, with rural populations particularly under-served (Devarajan et al, 2002). Another example is the productivity of soil used for cereal production, which increased on average in developing countries from 1979-81 to 1998-2000. However, it fell in some 25 countries, most of them in Africa, with land degradation being one factor behind the decline (World Bank, 2002c). Despite these gains, pressure on the environment continues to mount worldwide, posing major challenges to the prospects for poverty reduction and human development in developing countries, in particular the least developed countries.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Family vs. Law Essay

Family, an important theme of life, gets expressed throughout many ways in society. Family may take precedence over many things, including authority and the law. Within the tragic play, Antigone, the author Sophocles presents situations where the characters have to choose between their family and the law. The characters must choose what is more important to them, their family or obeying the laws of Thebes. Throughout the play, Sophocles presents a strong theme of family values and the importance of it through the actions of Antigone, Creon and Haimon. Antigone, placed in many situations throughout the play, has to choose between her family and the law. Antigone chooses to honor her brother, Polyneces, by burying him even though she will break the law by doing so. Antigone asks her sister Ismene to help bury their beloved brother, but when Ismene says no, Antigone responds by saying, â€Å"But as for/ me/ I will bury the brother I love† (Prolouge. 192). Antigone chooses to honor her brother and risk breaking the law because family means more to her. Antigone puts her family first, presenting her as a selfless person. Along with the risk of breaking the law, Antigone also risks her death. Once Creon tells Antigone of her punishment after finding out she buries Polyneces, she has to decide whether or not burying her brother is worth it. After Creon tells Antigone of his plan for her, she says, â€Å"This death of mine/ is of no importance; but if I had left my brother/ lying in death unburied, I should have suffered. / Now I do not† (SceneII. 208). Antigone shows Creon that he cannot stop her from saving her family by trying to punish her with death. Antigone chooses to help her family and stand up for them, even when faced with death. Sophocles shows Antigone as a brave person by denouncing Creon’s rules and saving her brother. Through Antigone’s actions, Sophocles shows how he favors family over authority and the law. Sophocles expresses his devotion to family throughout Creon’s actions in the tragic play. Prior to Creon’s initial decision to let Antigone die, the Choragos convinces him to let her go free. Creon, reluctant at first, listens to the Choragos and says to them, â€Å"It is hard to deny the heart! † (SceneV. 235). Creon knows deep down inside that he will be doing the right thing by letting Antigone go free. Although Creon wants Antigone to pay for breaking the law, his family ties with her prove to out shine his devotion to the law. As Creon orders the Choragos on what weapons to bring, he says, â€Å"I buried her, I/ Will set her free† (SceneV. 236). Creon realizes that his family ties with Antigone mean more to him than justice and he wants her to know that by freeing her himself. Creon wants to prove to Antigone that he does care about her safety and her future so he will set her free so she can go on living her life with Haimon. Although Creon decides to free Antigone partly out of guilt, he mostly does it because of her love for her. Sophocles shows throughout the tragic play that he prefers family over the law through the actions of Creon. Sophocles shows his devotion to family over the law by the actions of Haimon. Haimon has to decide whether to fight for his wife’s life or obey his father. Haimon, driven mad by the situation he has at hand, decides to kill himself after he finds out Antigone has done the same. The messenger delivers the horrible news to the Choragos and says, â€Å"Haimon is dead; and the hand that killed him/ Is his own hand† (Exodos. 239). If he cannot live with Antigone, then Haimon does not want to live at all. Haimon’s devotion and love for Antigone is stronger than his will to obey the law. Even as Haimon â€Å"died/ He gathered Antigone close in his arms again,† (Exodos. 241). By having Haimon’s last moves before his death be hugging his wife one last time, Sophocles shows that family takes precedence over the law through Haimon’s selfless acts. Haimon wants to show to everyone, especially his father, that his love for Antigone overrules everything else, particularly the laws that Creon creates. Throughout Haimon’s actions in the play, Sophocles shows that family means more to him than the law. Throughout Antigone, Sophocles shows that his strong devotion to family overrides authority and the law. Sophocles proves this to the reader through the actions of Antigone, Creon and Haimon and the choices that they make throughout the play. Even at the face of death, Antigone chooses to honor her brother over obeying the law as a way of showing Sophocles’ devotion to family. Prior to Creon’s original decision to kill Antigone, he changes his mind and decides to spare her life to exemplify Sophocles’ loyalty to family life. Haimon chooses to spare his own life to support his wife and rebel against the laws his father creates to prove Sophocles’ commitment to family. Sophocles shows that his devotion to family overrides the law by the situations and decisions Antigone, Creon and Haimon make. Not just in the play Antigone, but even in the world today, family values have high precedence over the laws and rules created to follow.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bronx Tale Questions

From A Bronx Tale You can be anything you want to be. Remember the saddest thing in life is wasted talent. You can have all the talent, but if you don’t do the right thing, nothing happens. But when you do the right thing, guess what, good things happen. ***** Mickey Mantle don’t care about you, so why should you care about him? Nobody cares. ***** Trouble is like a cancer and you got to get it early. Nobody cares. Worry about yourself, your family, the people who are important. **** The people in the neighborhood who see me every day who are on my side, they feel safe because they know I’m close. That gives them more reason to love me. But the people who want to do otherwise, they think twice and that gives them more reason to fear me. It is better to loved or feared? It’s nice to be both, but it’s difficult. But if I had my choice, I’d rather be feared. Fear lasts longer than love. The trick is not to be hated. *****I tell your son to stay in school and go to college. You don’t understand – it’s the clothes, the cars, it’s the money, it’s everything – I treat him like he’s my son. He’s not your son. He’s my son. ***** Sonny’s right. The working man is a sucker. He’s wrong. It don’t take much strength to pull a trigger but try to get up every morning day after day and work for a living. Let’s see him do that. And then we’ll see who’s the real tough guy. The working man is.Your father is the tough guy. ***** They don’t respect him; they fear him. There’s a big difference. You want to be somebody? Be somebody who works for a living and takes care of his family. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ***** Don’t blow it, son. These people will hurt you, son. Don’t waste your talent, son. Be careful, C. Don’t lose it, C. Keep your head, C. ***** Don’t you trust anybody? Tha t’s a terrible way to live. For me, it’s the only way. Not for me, not for me.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Assignment 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assignment 10 - Essay Example The users feel the sense of owning the products since their emotional attachment is taken into consideration. According to Norman, positive reception of nature induces affirmative response from the public as love for nature is considered preponderance in product design. Norman argues that the beauty of nature brings delight in people thus greatly changing their moods. Closer observation of nature harmonizes an individual’s emotion (Norman 2004). Visceral or aesthetical appreciation should not be separated due to their importance in people’s lives. Beauty and excellence is very important as it strengthens the sense of belonging. There is therefore a great need of appreciating attractiveness and brilliance in products. Attachment of nature’s gorgeousness in designing products for the most part creates a center of attention. Most people, especially women are profoundly attracted to the beauty. Inclusion of beauty and excellence in designing products intensely touche s women’s emotions thus providing an excellent rationale for buying the magnificently designed products. I very much think that addition of exciting connection in products forms a key base in product design. ... I significantly agree with Don Norman’s scheme as it boosts the products’ attractiveness (Norman 2004). . Occasionally, nearly all product firms have a roll of prerequisite to meet up, and, further characteristically, they have a number of aspects to extend. Scheming and mounting to requisite and quality lists guides to not up to scratch occurrence, for the reason that an individual is no longer oriented to the perception of the customer. While making judgment on designation, anxiety for characteristics, facts, and expertise trumps customer service. This is in large since the experimental part of the design is not taken into consideration. By starting with an idea of making something, there is an automatic way in which someone unnaturally confines what he can possibly deliver. Scores of archetypes’ progressive product designers accomplish something overtly for the reason that they do not devise products. Products are regarded as necessary work of art to take in h and purchaser requirements. Critical link between the designer and the user of the products is very necessary in the modern globalization because it makes businesses gain competitive advantage thus increasing their profits and boosting the businesses that had earlier failed. Moreover, past experiences need to be appreciated, embraced, and positive action taken to shape them in order to fit the acceptable and user-friendly target. Ways in which persuasion is used differs greatly and helps in attracting people in using products. Persuasion involves personal character of the individual speaker, positioning the addressees into a definite frame of mind and confirmation. The listeners may also influence people into believing in some

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Find a scholarly or popular article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Find a scholarly or popular article - Essay Example On another different note, the author addresses on the issue of the international system of human rights with gender violence. The main concern involves exploring the effectiveness of translation of the international laws into the indigenous societies and particularly on women. According to his remarks, he seems to be unsatisfied with the role of the local laws in curbing violence against women. To ascertain his arguments, he reviews a rape case that was removed out of court using a custom in Fiji, Southern America. Additionally, he outlines the story of a lady who decided to seek justice from the international court of law since the local courts were unjust.Despite how the international human rights system promotes cultural imperialism, the author ascertains that the system is very useful in stopping violence against women at local level(Merry, 2006). The piece of writing directly relates to cultural anthropology in that, it examines the sociocultural practices that hinder protection of women’s rights against violence. The article fully describes how the different communities perceive the international human rights law in relation to their local experiences. Another important aspect related to cultural anthropology is the evolution of the cultures after the end of the colonization era(Merry, 2006). During the nineteenth century, many societies resisted the human rights ideas advocated for by the international organizations such as UN. The translators had a hard time while placing the human rights in the local systems. In particular, the human rights activists and the societies conceived gender violence differently(Merry, 2006). Some human rights ruled out women circumcision, rape and early marriages. On the other hand, the local communities justified women circumcision and early marriages as they shaped the human behaviours. Later, in the twentieth century, the human rights activists partly achieved the realization of the women’s rights in

Others Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Others - Essay Example Relative to other companies, we provide a flexible way of working, employees can choose a time to finish the work at home. In addition, our company also saves on the cost of renting office space and daily maintenance. This is because our devoted staffs are allowed to carry out their tasks in the comfort of their houses. In this case, the company makes provision for all logistic requirements to facilitate workers in their day to day activities. The world’s economic system is fast changing due to the roles that international trade and investment is playing in the system of economic development. Due to cultural and language barrier in terms of trade, investment and cooperation, emerging concepts of translation services has led to a number of successful international trade negotiations. Consistent with the long-standing predictions, available data reveals an increase in international trade negotiations across the globe. Many States and policymakers have already recognized the importance of cultural competence in facilitating effective communication during negotiations. Internet-based translation has become increasingly popular even though a pivot translation service is required to fully realize the translation between non-English languages through cascading different translation services. It is with great effort that e-translate have made it their priority to develop a content-based coordination that aims at maintaining the consistency of the word meaning during the translation services. The number of languages used in internet has shown a rapid increment. For instance, those using English comprise of 40 percent of all the internet users, Asian language users represent 26 percent, European language users represent more than 30 percent excluding English users, while other languages users represent nearly 20 percent. This trend has a greater influence on the requirement of translation services among non-English language users, as well as between

Monday, August 26, 2019

Oedipus the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Oedipus the King - Essay Example The actual story line of the play is not at all new to the audience. Sophohocles was impressed by the ancient story of Oedipus Rex and, though with some variations, he brought this dramatic irony to the audience with a strong message of inevitable fate. The writer grabs every opportunity to make the best use of this dramatic irony as the most impactful scenes of the play can only create the difference when the audience is already aware of the basic story line. Oedipus, the man of great insight, mostly discusses the blindness and sight in the play, which makes it a dramatic irony. Audience is well informed about the fact that it is the Oedipus who is not aware regarding the reality of his life that is held responsible for his decline. In the play, Oedipus said to the priest about the dying and damaging condition of Thebes that he is very much aware, although he was actually not: †I pity you. I see-how could I fail to see What longings bring you here? Well I know† (70-71) O edipus makes all the conscious efforts to unveil the reality and knows about the truth but the audience perceives that he is just a mere puppet in the hands of pre-written fate. The irony at some places makes the audience believe that Oedipus willingly brings the disastrous condition upon him by uncovering the reality. Another example is when Oedipus said: â€Å"You should have searched. ... Oedipus’s efforts to know his own identity and to change the determined fate represent the main idea behind the play, but it is the bitter reality that fate cannot be changed by the humans and, therefore, the reality makes the Oedipus an example of pity and fear. In the beginning, the fine characteristics of Oedipus make the audience feel like he is the most desirable leader who wants to free his nation from the plague. He becomes the king of Thebes by answering the riddle of Sphinx. The citizens of Thebes are now falling dead, the crops are getting withered, women and newborns are dying because of the plague. The inhabitants of Thebes want to get relieved from this curse by gathering around and praying to God. Oedipus calls the priest to know the reason of the gathering and gets an answer to save Thebes from dying. Being sorrowed, he asks his brother in law Creon to go to Delphic oracle to get the answer of how to control this plague. Creon comes with an answer from the oracl e to eliminate the corruption from Thebes and also narrates that murderer of the former king Laius is in Thebes, which means finding and killing the murderer will restore peace in the city. He further tells Oedipus about the murder of Laius that there is only one person alive in the attack who has mentioned that the king was murdered by a group of thieves. On asking the reason for slow investigation, Creon gives the reason that due to the tension caused by riddle of Sphinx they were unable to focus on solving the murder issue. In this way, Oedipus takes the stand to find out the real murderer to remove the plague. He is determined to punish the culprit even if he

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Industry Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Industry Practice - Essay Example This form of leadership has been successful in some organizations though it has also failed in others. It allows quick decision making and therefore less time is wasted on decisions. It requires a leader who is knowledgeable and experienced otherwise wrong decisions might be made (Goethals, Sorenson & Burns, 2004). Autocratic leadership style is more applicable where control is required. These are situations where the margin of error is either very small or is not there at all. In such a situation, decentralized decision making is likely to cause organizational failure. It therefore becomes necessary for experienced leaders to make decisions so as to avoid or minimize the chances of any error (Daft & Lane, 2008). This form of leadership is very applicable and is actually used in rigid organizations. These are organizations whose rules are rigid and do not easily adjust their policies as situations changes. In addition, autocratic leadership can also be used where the conditions are thought to be dangerous or are likely to cause harm to people. Among the organizations where the leadership is used include; military manufacturing organizations or in a construction (Daft & Lane, 2008). The theory is useful at the workplace in situations where quick decisions have to be made. In such situations, there is no much time to consult. Decentralized decision making is time consuming and therefore cannot be applicable in urgent situations. Therefore, the leaders take the initiative to make such decision to save time. This is important because if time is wasted in urgent situations, the overall goal achievement of the organization maybe affected (Gitman & McDaniel, 2009). The leadership style is also useful where strict deadlines are required. There are some activities which have to be completed within a specified time. According to Douglas McGregor in one of his theories, (Theory X) people generally dislike work. Therefore, they

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discrimination in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Discrimination in the Workplace - Essay Example Therefore being able to show the adverse impact plays a very vital role in discriminatory practice allegations. This adverse impact refers to the total employment process. Those result in a significantly higher percentage of a protected group in the population being rejected for employment, placement or promotion. Along with the above we also need to consider that unfair treatment does not necessarily equal illegal discrimination. If an individual is treated differently from the others than the EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity laws) are being violated. there can be a few specific kinds of discrimination taking place such as discrimination on the basis of cast color or creed , discrimination on the basis of age , sexual discrimination , disability discrimination etc It is quite obvious that if we have employees facing discrimination issues at work and we as management have been unable to recognize or rectify those we can expect the productivity to go down seriously. All of this affects the human mind which in turn affects the human behaviors and perception. Contributing further to the problem is the fact that most victims of discrimination do not sue or complain. Instead they quit or try to avoid situations wherein they would feel discriminated. The discriminators sometimes do not even realize that their behavior is offending others. So in this regard Workplace discrimination training and policies can reduce these problems. In order for us to be able to deal with discrimination effectively we need to follow the simple steps of: Initially becoming aware of the anti discrimination laws, also becoming aware of how you can identify such occurrences at your workplace and try a put an end to them. Secondly, paying very close attention to what exactly the environment is at your workplace then again it being vital that you are able to identify the discrimination occurring at your workplace. You as the management have to be very careful in assessing what is going on around you that are not too visible. In other words try reading between the lines. If you are deciding to give appraisals to a few employees in specific, make sure that all the employees get equal benefit out of your decision.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Preparing a business case - health care centre in Sydney Coursework

Preparing a business case - health care centre in Sydney - Coursework Example ..13-14 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16-17 Appendices†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.18-20 1.0 Executive Summary The need to improve on the availability of affordable and reliable health care services for the city residents is an issue of paramount importance considering that few health care facilities are available in the city. The few health care facilities cannot cater for the city population, which stands at over two million and continues to double every d ecade. Upon completion, Royal health centre will be in the capacity to serve this population. Royal Health Centre’s main goal is to offer affordable medical services to the city dwellers in order to solve the problem of congestion on the available health facilities. The centre will mainly focus on providing quality health care and prescription medication to the middle and low-income residents. Royal health centre will provide both inpatients and outpatient services on a small-scale basis. A community elected board consisting of six individuals will manage the health centre. A Chief Executive Officer who will report to Board of Directors will manage the health centre as the head of the facility. The office of the Board of Directors is elective and shall consist of individuals residing in the city. The Chief Executive Officer is an appointee of the Board of Directors and should be a qualified doctor. The board shall also employ nine more employees to help in the day to day runn ing of the facility. The Chief Executive Officer is Dr. Franklin. He will be charged with the responsibility of maintaining high medical standards in addition to creating a feasible cost-effective medical practice. He will also be in-charge of diagnosis and treatment of ailments whilst focusing on preventive medication and general wellness of patients. The facility will make use of modern medical equipment as well as highly trained medical personnel. 2.0 Introduction Royal health centre will endeavour to provide optimal health care and well-being of individual patients, for instance, a nutritionist who will be employed shall advise on recommended diet. Complicated health conditions that require complex procedures shall be attended after a careful analysis of risks and benefits which must be in written consent. Where treatment of a complication is not possible at Royal health centre, Dr. Franklin will give referral to specialists for further diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Franklin will be assisted by five other doctors, a nutritionist, a medical lab specialist, a cleaner and a receptionist. It is worth noting that marketing is a matter of paramount importance bearing in mind the need to serve the large population. The strategy combines the use of two media; print and electronic. It will in future explore the possibility of using promotional events. On financial matters, the health centre will depend on funding from the National Medical Service. The funding will cater for initial operational cost as well as staff remuneration and payroll taxes. Our anticipation is to have patient influx increase with time this will increase the revenue.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hard times by Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

Hard times by Charles Dickens Essay The book Hard times, relates to the hard times that people were going through at the time of the industrial revolution, during the 1840s. the book was published in 1850, so that when Charles wrote the book, he was looking back on the events that occurred 10 years earlier. In his book Hard Times Dickens focuses on education and how children used to be taught. Dickens does not agree with the type of teaching that was going on in those times, and by making the characters of the story his object of hate, it makes them prime targets of ridiculing, and does so throughout the book. He describes how the educators insist on teaching fact, and fact alone, nothing but fact. This way he can put forward his views and feelings of this form of teaching, by ridiculing the characters and continually ripping them apart with criticism. The educators insist on teaching fact and pluck all the opinion from the tiny fragile minds that can be so easily moulded into fact filled objects. They scoop out every little fragment of imagination, not leaving the smallest detail to spare and replace it with fact, fact, fact, until they are over spilling with them. As if when filling an empty money box with pennies until it is full to the brim and over flowing, and when you take off the lid they all pour out, one after the other, penny after penny, fact after fact. Facts were ridged and solid, there was no room for interpretation, or another view on the matter, a fact could not be disproved, or argued against, a fact was a fact, and that was what the educators were trying to pour into the innocent little minds, once filled with imagination and opinion. Dickens chooses the names of characters very well. Such as Grad grind, this gives an impression of a strict, hard faced man stuck in his ways. Dickens is very descriptive which gives the reader an image of the characters, and yet at the same time he leaves other aspects to the imagination. The educators were filtering out the opinion and imagination, leaving room for only the facts to get through. This is what Dickens disliked about this form of education, he thought that each child should be independent, and have their own opinion of things and have a free imagination. Dickens himself was a very bright child, yet was denied the right to education, due to the conditions of the time, and the fact that his family were so poor. He left school at the age of 14 and went to work. This is the main reason why Dickens feels so strongly about education and he feels that people should do what they want to do not what they have to do, as he had to leave school in order to get a bit more money for his family. In chapter 2 we learn that the teacher Gradgrind has little, if any respect for the children as he refers to them by numbers, also he criticises on of the girls names. He forms the impression of a very narrow minded man with little consideration or respect for children. He is full of fact and stuck in his ways, he believes that because he has been taught facts that every one should be taught pure fact. Dickens doesnt like this way of learning, and continually ridicules it and the people teaching it. Dickens gets his points across through satire and comic exaggeration, he uses this to achieve humour and also as an extreme way of getting feelings across. During the Victorian times people had a very dim view of education, they did not think it was that essential for children to learn, however in the Victorian times it all came down to your social class. If you were upper class you would have had an education, however if you were lower class you would be considered very lucky if you went to school and even then you would have hat to have left school early to work to get that extra bit of money for the family. I thin these views existed because people had no idea of the importance and it all came down to your social class, also children were ill treated and expected to be seen and not heard. These views of education are very wrong as it is now important especially as we have more rights, and people are respected more.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Relationship Between Machbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Relationship Between Machbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay Throughout the play Macbeth, there is an ongoing relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Right away you pick up that Lady Macbeth is a very cold controlling person, while her husband is very naive and weak. The relationship these two share is as what most people would see as unhealthy. There are never any agreements, there is never any reasoning, it’s one way, Lady Macbeth’s way, and that’s it. This is one of the biggest factors as to why all these tragedies happened. She sparked Macbeth’s dark side, she brought it out of him and as the play progresses, you see how Macbeth is out of control and how Lady Macbeth loses all her power over him. The roles become reversed and it leads to one big mess spiralling out of control. Macbeth, once a meek, loyal man is influenced by his cold, cruel wife and from there, tragedy strikes. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, you can see right away is not a good one. She is the type of person who has to have it her way. She is making Macbeth live the life she wants. When the three witches foresee him becoming King of Scotland, Lady Macbeth doesn’t even question if he will achieve it or whether to try, she orders him to be it saying â€Å"Shalt be thou art promised† (Macbeth 1, V). Besides her always taunting and ordering Macbeth, you never see any affection between the two. You never hear them acting like a normal married couple. It seems as if they are just two people with the label of husband and wife. They can never just have a normal conversation, it’s always orders and arguments. Macbeth never wants to let down or disappoint her, it’s almost like he is scared of her. This relationship is what causes the tragedies. Lady Macbeth has a huge influence on Macbeth. Their relationship has to be the engine that sparked all the deaths. It starts off by Lady Macbeth ordering him to kill King Duncan, the King of Scotland. She first taunts him by saying â€Å"It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way† (Macbeth 1, V). This shows how cold Lady Macbeth is, as milk is the food of a new born child, she implies Macbeth is too much like a kind child to murder anyone, which is a method used to spur Macbeth on into killing the King. When Macbeth finally finds the courage to tell her he doesn’t want to kill, she shuts him down instantly. She goes â€Å"And live a coward in thine own esteem† (Macbeth, 1, VVI). This is a huge insult to Macbeth, and this is what finalizes his decision to kill King Duncan. You can see how she starts rubbing off on him when he says â€Å"False face must hide what the false heart doth know† (Macbeth 1, VVI). As the play continues, Lady Macbeth is constantly telling Macbeth what has to be done. Killing after killing, she is in his ear about what to do next. Eventually, Macbeth has no more control over his darkness and you quickly see things start to change. Once Macbeth started getting more confident by his killings, he realized he was gaining more and more power, and his ambition grew stronger and out of control. You start to see his and Lady Macbeth’s relationship change. Lady Macbeth starts feeling guilty in act three. â€Å"Tis safer to be that which we destroy, than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy† (Macbeth 3, II), this shows she realizes that getting what you want doesn’t bring peace. Despite the fact that both are feeling guilty, Lady Macbeth tries to remain strong in front of Macbeth â€Å"Things with without all remedy should be without regard: what’s done is done†. This shows Lady Macbeth again telling Macbeth that the murder has happened and that he should get over it, as nothing can be done to change it. There is however a hint of remorse in Lady Macbeth’s voice, showing how she is losing her power over Macbeth, mainly because she is finding it hard to get over her guilt. It happens once again when Macbeth shouts out â€Å"O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife† (Macbeth, 3, II). This is where we understand Macbeth cannot let go, he has to now take the matter of murder into his own hands. As the scenes go by, you see Macbeth making his own decisions. He starts killing firstly without conscience or guilt, and secondly, without Lady Macbeth’s consent. He stop telling her his plans and when Lady Macbeth hears word of her husband’s actions, she is overwhelmed with guilt and commits suicide. When he finds out about this, he shrugs off her death, he felt more guilty about the killing of the King, a person he hardly even knew, than the death of his wife, the woman he believed to have loved. This proves that one, either Macbeth was in too deep with his evil side at this point, he showed no remorse, or two, he didn’t really love his wife, another point proving their unhealthy relationship. Perhaps it is Lady Macbeth’s cold hearted ways that have taught Macbeth not to care, perhaps if there was no Lady Macbeth, Macbeth would still be the man he started off as. Every person has a dark side amongst themself, it’s just a matter of how you contain it. By the end of the play we see how the relationship has deteriorated to such a state Macbeth loses all emotions. He no longer cares who the person is, who will be affected by their murder, or if they deserve to die or not, if there is the possibility of them coming in the way of Macbeth and his dream, they are dead. Macbeth no longer has the fear of getting caught either. He believes he is invincible, that he can do anything. This just goes to show how much one person can have such a huge impact on your life and how the right amount of taunting and nagging mixed with a whole lot of ambition creates a very dangerous, deadly mix.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Information Systems for Management

Information Systems for Management ICT- OUTCOME 1 Strategic management is the management at the up such as managing directors like John and Ian McIver from Ice queen who are responsible for making the unstructured decisions like goals and objective that the company strives to reach.  Ã‚   To make long term decisions based on their own judgement of the situation such as making future projection on how the company will perform.   This well be done by looking at how profitable the business has been by looking at accounts for last year to see what the profits so they can make decisions on how to move forward with the business.   Sales figures from other areas can also determine how well a product is selling and what products are popular on the market. Tactical management is a semi-structured level of management known as middle level management like Sharon Tang and Veronika they will monitor and analyse the existing systems used in the cold stores, shop and offices for 15 weeks then a presentation will be given on how effective these systems and four meetings for preparation will be taken prior to the project beginning and notes will be taken by Chelsea to record every key point at the meetings. Operational management is the structured level of management known as low level management Whitney and peter who will be by helping to analyse the system by gathering information from the staff by performing interviews and surveys at each of the four regional sites ready for Sharon to analysis. Three different types of information systems include the use of human information systems within Ice queen used by strategic management, tactical and operational levels because the need for decisions made at all these levels are important because machinery will never replace human decision making as the use of instincts and the use of the human eyes is sometimes the one of the way to observe and make the right decisions through all the levels of management within Ice Queen. Paper based system is another means of collating information on all three levels of management within Ice Queen because the use of paper information in an organisation is traceable when it comes to doing audits on the company at the end of the financial year. Strategic management may use this paper systems to illustrate policies and procedures within Ice Queen which would be the responsibility of John and Ian McIver to have these policies on paper so that they can be placed somewhere for all the employees so they can refer to them and adhere to them in the workplace.   Strategic management may also user paper information systems to draw up plans for the business or to evaluate aims and objectives as computer systems can sometimes fail and Ice Queen may need back up documents. Tactical management like Sharon Tang and Veronika might use paper systems to record comprehensive minutes for meetings that Chelsea is responsible for so they know what has been discussed at each of the meetings and to keep hard copies of the analysis being carried out on Ice Queen for them to be able to report to other staff at meetings. Operational management like Whitney and Peter so they can record how well the cold storage facilities are performing in each of the different depots within Ice Queen and the need for copies of how the machinery is designed and operated so they can evaluate how well their cold storage facility is operating. Computerised systems would be needed at all levels as well because at strategic levels plans that have been made within Ice Queen would have to be researched by checking where their competitions are in the market by being able to view figures from sites like company house so they can make plans to reach goals and objectives set by Ice Queen. Tactical Management such as Sharon Tang and Veronika in Ice Queen as they would have to use the project management software to plan the project step by step and making sure that all the timings and allocations of task to be performed are allocated to the right staff at the right time and to make sure that all the right holidays and time off are allocated but the project is still running to schedule. Operational Management such as Whitney and Peter as they need to use this system to analyse productivity within the work force and the machinery within the cold storage in Ice Queen by using the software that is available to them to complete their analysis. In the decision making there is information that govern management one of these is the Data Protection Act 1998 this pieces of legislation is paramount for Ice Queen as customers, supplier and staff as this data must be kept secure and is not just available to anybody as information could be miss used in an unlawful way such as people trying to defraud other companies or customer by using bank details or credit card details.   This data always must be accurate and up to date and measures must be taken to protect this data.   If this data is not protected and there is a breach, then the company can be fined up to 500,000 pounds. Health and safety legislation 2002 is also important in running a business as it could directly affect the employees health and safety as they should have a safe clean environment to work in which is free of potential hazards and dangers within the workplace.   By law there should always be first aiders on sight who are fully trained and certificated to deal with any medical assistance needed within the workplace. Customers are also at risk if these piece of legislation is not followed this could affect their health as cleanliness is a big issue in the workplace because if a company is not following hygiene rules which affect customers if machinery is not cleaned correctly or if machinery is not functioning properly could cause health issue for the customer, which would need to be rectified by calling in environmental health officers which could affect the company and could result in the company been fined or worst case scenario being closed down. Outcome 2 WAN (wide area network) is distributed geographically for a private communication network this connects lots of different LAN (local area network). Wan can be connected to company headquarters or branch offices and a router is used to connect LAN and WAN. WAN shares access to application s services and other centrally located resources.   This means that the same application server and firewall does not have to be installed in lots of locations by use of VPN (virtual private network) which connects between WAN sites. LAN (local area network) is used when a group of computers and devices can share communications by a wireless link to a server LAN is computers and devices connected to a server in different areas such as an office or a commercial establishment.   Mobile phones also use LAN as it shares resources. LAN can be used a small number of users if used in a small office but can be used in a larger area if used in a larger office. The Internet is used to research information usually used direct from a router or modem devices this is used to check everything possible such as train times to news stories.   Internet is also used for transporting information by using the cloud, emails and using systems like skype to talk to people all over the world. The benefits for the use of WAN in Ice Queen is that they can sent the same information through memos to staff at the click of a button about anything concerning the company that employees might need to know which will save time for the company.   Another benefit of this is all the computer systems are linked so any information that Ice Queen may require during the up and coming project can be accessed through computer systems in different geographical areas which saves time and money for the company so the project runs to plan. The benefits of LAN for Ice Queen are information that Sharon may require can be accessed by using any other equipment available to her such as a company laptop that may have access to this information.   Another benefit is the use of a wireless devices such as a printer as this is wireless as is easy to connect to if needed to record minutes for meeting on paper copy. The benefits of the internet are Ice queen can contact anybody in a geographical location using email or even easier using skype or even the use of the cloud if they wanted to share certain documents with different employees within the business.   Which keeps these documents safe and secure?

The Holocaust and the Cambodian Genocide: Similar or different? How ab

Evil doesn’t even begin to cover it. The mass murder of millions of people. The complete obliteration of an entire society. Each and every genocide has the same core principles, but a distinct face. A dictator takes over a weak country with promises of returning it to its former glory, once he has everyone’s support, he implements extremely discriminatory laws and finds reasons to kill anyone who dares oppose him. The Holocaust and the Cambodian genocides are remarkably similar, and yet strikingly different. The Holocaust was an attempt to wipe out all Jews and other minorities such as gypsies and handicapped people. The Cambodian genocide, led by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, was in some ways a mirror image of the Holocaust, but it happened forty-two years later. On the other hand, there are many more that one distinction that sets Cambodia apart from all other genocides. Although the two genocides are quite different at a first glance, they are interestingly similar upon deeper inspection. For starters, the Holocaust is best known for it’s brutal and inhumane treatment of prisoners, such as tattooing a number on their arm against their will and feeding them food that is not even fit for dogs to consume (â€Å"Holocaust†). It may be shocking for some people to hear that in Cambodia, it was just as atrocious, maybe even worse. During the Khmer Rouge takeover in 1975 most Cambodians were forced to leave their homes on such short notice that numerous families were killed on cite for not evacuating quickly enough. Those ‘lucky’ enough to escape immediate death were forced to work, unpaid, in labor camps until the fatigue wore down their immune system and they died of some wretched disease (â€Å"Genocide†). Another intriguing similarity betw... .../>. "Eight Stages of Genocides." Genocides and Conflicts. William Mitchell College of Law, 2012. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. . "Genocide- Cambodia." Talking About Genocide - Genocides. Peace Pledge Union, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. . â€Å"Holocaust, 1933-1945, The† World Without Genocide. William Mitchell College of Law, 2013. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. . January, Brendan. Genocide: Modern Crimes Against Humanity. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, 2007. Print. Walker, Luke. "Cambodian Genocide." World Without Genocide. William Mitchell College of Law, 2012. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. .

Monday, August 19, 2019

KamaSutra and the War Between the Sexes Essay -- Movie Film Essays

KamaSutra and the War Between the Sexes    The movie KamaSutra is a tale of love and passion. It is set in ancient India and is a story about Tara, a princess and Maya, her maid. Maya was always in Tara's shadow. Everything she used were the leftovers of the Princess. Maya always had to move in Tara's shadow. Even though she was prettier and more accomplished in the arts Maya could never be seen as Tara's equal. To avenge herself Maya seduces Tara's husband, the king of a neighboring province. For Maya it's only an act of revenge, for now Tara will have to spend the rest of her life with what Maya had used. On Tara's wedding night, Maya offers herself to Tara's husband. After Maya seduces Tara's husband she finally finds herself. Instead of seeing herself as Tara's shadow she now sees herself as equal to the queen, for now Tara will have to spend the rest of her life with something Maya has used. Tara gets rejected repetitively by her husband. Her shyness and inhibited sexuality annoys Rajsingh. On their wedding night he le aves her to go to one of his courtesans. Thereafter Tara is always portrayed as either crying or watching her husband leave with other woman. She is a bitter, jealous, and ugly woman till Maya teaches her the art of loving. When her husband, Rajsingh now sees her he desires her. It is after the point that she sees herself as a sexual person that she can find herself. The queen emerges as a strong woman, no longer a weeping lost soul. When Rajsingh starts to falter after he is rejected by Maya, Tara takes control of the state and of the King. It is through intercourse that the relationship of the male and the female are depicted. It is the tool of love, power, destruction, and identity. Through sexu... ...n emphasis on the emotional aspect of the child. These differences pave the way for unhappy adult interactions. The divorce rate in most western countries is alarming. In eastern countries they are definitely on the rise. The two sexes are taught so well to be different from each other that when it is time for them to live together they can't. The only solution maybe to go back and unlearn exactly what comprises femininity and masculinity. So that the future children grow up to fill our expectations of what is human, rather than what feminine or masculine.    Work Cited Horney, Karen. "The Distrust Between the Sexes." A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. 5th ed. Ed. Lee A. Jacobus. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1998. 337-351. KamaSutra. Dir. Mira Nair. Earl Jackson Jr, Stategies of Deviance. Indiana University Press 1995

Sunday, August 18, 2019

All About Video Recording :: Video Camera Recorder

All About Video Recording Over the past 30 years the advancements in technology have been tremendous, everything from the 80’s camcorder, which was approximately the size of a cat, to the ones presently, which are approximately the size of your hand. To the creation of digital cameras ,DVD’s and CD-R’s, as well as so much more. When Purchasing a Video Recorder, there are many aspects of the piece that should be examined, in order to pick out the best quality product for the amount of money you are prepared to spend. Picking between the different types of products is the first step. In the world of digital recording , there are three basic types. The first being Hard Disc Recorders which are also known as Personal Television Recorders, these record all the action without the need for video tapes. With on screen program guides, recording in digital is a simple one-button operation. The next is DVD RAMwhich is the official DVD Recordable format backed by the DVD Forum, DVDRAM records onto a DVD recordable disc that can then be played on most modern DVD players. Lastly, there is DVD+RW which was developed by Philips and Sony, DVD+RW discs can be edited to cut out commercial breaks. They can also be played on most modern DVD players. The quality of the recording is always an important statistic tobe aware of, in video recording, there are four basic levels of quality. The first level is referred to as 2 Heads and is usually used for standard quality mono recording and playback, next there is 4 Heads , which has an improved picture and sound quality and freeze frames. Next, there is 6 Heads which has all the benefits of a 4 head video recorder plus 2 extra heads for greater sound quality. Lastly, there is Super-VHS which provides up to 400 lines of resolution, instead of the usual 240 lines, S-VHS delivers superior picture quality. The next aspect to focus on when purchasing a Video recorder would be the sound quality. In this department there are two basic options Depending on the kind of TV you have and the type of programs you record, you need to consider the type of sound playback you want. The first option would be Mono which is usually for standard recording and playback. Mono video recorders represent great value and are suitable for connection to portable TV’s. The second option would be Nicamstereowhich is a high quality stereo for improved sound reproduction.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Debate of Technology Cause More Harm Than Goods Essay

* â€Å"so-called scientists† discovered mass weapons of destruction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ atomic bomb, etcetera† * mobile phones, supposed to â€Å"bring people closer,† actually â€Å"destroy marriages† * motorbikes, motor cars, and factories destroy the ozone layer, which contributes to global warming * motorcars, motorbikes, and airplanes have caused the death of many lives * â€Å"many people lost their lives in Iran, Liberia, etcetera;† â€Å"the victims are the youths who are the cream of society† * â€Å"science helps to terminate urban [or possibly I misheard and he said â€Å"unborn†] lives through abortion;† â€Å"many women now refuse to pregnate† * students no longer interested in studies; instead they are interested in football, mobiles and television * the discovery of materials like cars, medicines, drugs, gold, silver and crude oil led to killing of innocent lives in Sierra Leone, Kuwait, Zimbabwe, Nigeria * caused a lack of stability in the trading system * â€Å"caused lots of orphans during war† * car accidents and drug abuse * â€Å"Internet mobile phones promote prostitution with pornographic sex industry† * The internet leads to political instability â€Å"like the war between America and Somalia† * in countries like America students are going to school and killing without reason; in countries like those in Africa people are killing for money * â€Å"As we all know, science and technology is used only for destruction† * â€Å"Let’s all fight against [science and technology] to eliminate it from our society† Against the motion(â€Å"which I stand with my AK-47 and say a big no to†): * â€Å"This is not a debatable topic because a fact is a fact† * â€Å"Gone are the days when people travel long distances to communicate,† â€Å"now we can lie in bed to communicate via phone or internet† * planes and ships mean we no longer need to transport things by foot. Transportation â€Å"used to take weeks, even months, now minutes or seconds† * we understand our body systems, â€Å"we understand what is good and not good for our health† * comprehend diseases in our environment * â€Å"one cannot move by foot from here to America† * â€Å"mobile phones make communication faster within mankind† * Africans can process wealth from soil and such things * advertising of goods and services– â€Å"we won’t know about some products until we see them on television† * it creates jobs for people who would otherwise be unemployed * provides us with clean water for preventing us from germs * electricity for â€Å"ease of visibility in our surroundings† * taught us about types of diseases like malaria, yellow fever, etcetera and how to prevent them; provides us with medicines * â€Å"before introduction of science, our forefathers were living in dark period† * â€Å"agriculture was developed by scientists† * created weapons to guard from internal and external enemies, not to kill one another without reason * mass media brought the world under one umbrella * water supply: â€Å"as we know, 60% of our energy is from water† * forms of transportation such as airplanes, where â€Å"every person has a seat† * â€Å"the things you are enjoying†¦the seat you are sitting on†¦The pen, is it not created by scientists?..The music you are in a haste to listen to, is it not created by scientists?†

Friday, August 16, 2019

Bayfield Mud Company Essay

The Bayfield Mud Company has had some problems with their 50 pound bags of treating agents. They sent shipped some bags to Wet Land Drilling, Inc. that were found to be short-weight by approximately 5%. Wet Land first did their own research on how many bags were short and by how much. They randomly sampled 50 bags and found the average net weight to be 47.51 pounds. Wet Land then contacted Bayfield Mud about the situation. Bayfield gave a 5% credit to Wed-Land for the mistakes. But We Land not completely satisfied with the credit because the errors in the weight of the bags could impact their operations. Wet Land informed Bayfield Mud that if something like this happened again, they would take their business elsewhere. Bayfield’s response to all this was to expand a one-shift to a two-shift operation. Then, they had to expand to a three-shift operation. The additional night-shift bagging crew consisted of all new employee. The most emphasis was placed on increasing output. It was very likely that only occasionally were bags double checked on their weight. This is where the statistical control has come into place. The problem that Bayfield Mud faces includes the possibility of losing a customer in Wet Land, Inc. Another problem is putting out a product that is not acceptable. This problem could lead to more than just the loss of one customers, but perhaps an even greater amount. Based on the information given in the following charts and numbers, especially the control chat, it is obvious that the bag problem is out of control. Out of the 72 times that samples were taken, 14 were out of control. That is unacceptable for a company who intends on satisfying the customer and maintaining business. Something must be done in this company to correct the problem that has arisen. I think if the company still getting the more products but sacrifice the quality, the problem cannot not be solved actually. The company needs to ensure that the bag really does weigh 50 pounds. If they are going to offer a 50 pound product, then make it 50 pounds. It seems that the times that most of the bags are less than 50 pounds are around the nighttime shifts. Also, the times that it seems more bags are over 50 pounds are during the daytime shifts. They need to develop a y to ensure the accuracy of weighing the bags. Whatever they would  implement would have to increase quality, while not impacting the output numbers. There is a large demand for their product, so they must be able to meet the demand. And Bayfield needs to change their strategy or even do an entire makeover of their management team in order to get a better way for developing. Feng Bing (Yvonne) Student ID: 11-613222

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Video Conferencing

CompareBusinessProducts. com What to Look for in a Video Conferencing System What to Look for in a Video Conferencing System Video conferencing has become â€Å"the next best thing to being there† for many businesses. Facilitating face-to-face collaboration for people who are in different locations, it can help businesses increase productivity while saving money on business travel expenses. With video conferencing, you can still have dynamic â€Å"in-person meetings† and â€Å"live† presentations and events – even if you’re on opposite ends of the country, or even in different countries.Video conferencing is also considered a â€Å"green† technology as it eliminates the carbon dioxide emissions that result from driving and air travel. But how do you know what to buy for your organization? The first step in determining this is to understand your main objectives for the system, including your usage requirements today and what they might be over the next 3-5 years. You don’t want to buy more than you need, but you do want a system that is going to scale with your business.Video conferencing has become â€Å"the next best thing to being there† for many businesses. Facilitating face-to-face collaboration for people who are in different locations, it can help businesses increase productivity while saving money on business travel expenses. With video conferencing, you can still have dynamic â€Å"in-person meetings† and â€Å"live† presentations and events – even if you’re on opposite ends of the country, or even in different countries.Video conferencing is also considered a â€Å"green† technology as it eliminates the carbon dioxide emissions that result from driving and air travel. But how do you know what to buy for your organization? The first step in determining this is to understand your main objectives for the system, including your usage requirements today and what they might be over the next 3-5 years. You don’t want to buy more than you need, but you do want a system that is going to scale with your business. ContentsKey Questions o How Big Is My Audience? o Personal, Group Conferencing, or Both? Key Features to Look For o Easy Integration with Your Computer, Network, and Unified Communications Systems o Full Video and Audio Capabilities o Recording of Audio, Video, and Data o Flexible and Comprehensive Moderator and Presenter Controls o Customizable, Brand-able o Easy to Install, Easy to Use, and Easy to Maintain o Attentive, Accessible Customer Support o Competitively Priced and Great Value –  © CompareBusinessProducts. com (877) 852-5226 What to Look for in a Video Conferencing System Key Questions How Big Is My Audience? Consider the size of your audience – or the maximum number of attendees you will ever have for your video conferences, and who they are. If you plan on having international conferences, you’ll wa nt to discuss this with your vendor to ensure all networking and equipment standards are compatible. Consider the size of the rooms where attendees will take part in the video conference. Will you have 0-10 participants, up to 100, up to 500 or more?Will attendees mostly watch from their desktops, on a lap top while traveling, on a mobile device, in the board room, in a conference hall, or all of the above? Having a very clear picture of how the system will be used will enable you to make the right decision. Personal, Group Conferencing, or Both? When it comes to group or personal videoconferencing, there is a difference in what you’ll need. Essentially, all conferencing requires a camera, microphone, speaker, monitor, and a codec, which is a small â€Å"compression-decompression† program that helps large files travel across the Internet quickly.Personal videoconferencing systems are meant to work within an office or home environment and are designed for the personal c omputer, or now, increasingly, mobile devices. Speakers, microphones, and cameras are designed for close ups use and privacy. These systems now enable rich media collaboration, data sharing, and instant messaging. Group conferencing equipment is obviously more complicated, requiring cameras that â€Å"pan,† â€Å"tilt,† and â€Å"zoom,† as well as projectors, large flat panel monitors and other displays, microphone pods, and a variety of speakers.Key Features to Look for in a Video Conferencing System Easy Integration with Your Computer, Network, and Unified Communications Systems You’ll want to make sure that the system you buy easily integrates with your existing technologies, including your phone systems, the type of computers employees use, existing flat screen monitors, speakers, etc. You’ll want to check to see if the system complies with current standards or if they are proprietary technologies. You want a system that will communicate freely with all other standards-based systems vs. nly with products from the same manufacturer. You don’t want to invest in a system that will become obsolete within a short period of time  © CompareBusinessProducts. com (877) 852-5226 3 What to Look for in a Video Conferencing System Full Video and Audio Capabilities It may seem obvious, but make sure your system can play actual videos during the video conference, not just a PowerPoint presentation or other document. You’ll want high definition for best viewing quality.In addition, many systems provide a variety of screen layouts, so that attendees can simultaneously watch a video in one section of the screen, the presenter in another, and attendees in another. The system should have a video gateway that performs the translation between various technology protocols, including audio and video encoding formats used by the other components. When it comes to audio capabilities, make sure the system is going to be versatile an d loud enough for your audience to hear it, and that is complies with broad standards.Recording of Audio, Video, and Data Your system should enable you to record the audio, video, and even data portions of your conference. It can be very useful to record important, interactive presentations to share with others, such as hosting on your company’s website Intranet, or even YouTube for later viewing. Flexible and Comprehensive Moderator and Presenter Controls Easy to use and comprehensive controls are essential, especially when it comes to live presentations and meetings.Your conference moderator should be able to control who’s presenting, what attendees can view and hear, screen resolution, bandwidth, phone call admission, call routing, and more. You’ll also want a system that can pass control of the conference to other presenters to create a dynamic and interactive meeting. Controls should also include presentation mode, when the focus needs to be solely on the p resentation and not interactive dialogue and desktop sharing for flexibility, for example going back and forth between presentation decks to a website to a video.Customizable, Brand-able While you’re buying this system from a vendor whose brand will undoubtedly be showing up on the equipment, you’ll also want to make sure your organization’s branding appears for your conference – so you want a system that is customizable and flexible enough to display your company’s look and feel in the presentation and visuals.  © CompareBusinessProducts. com (877) 852-5226 4 What to Look for in a Video Conferencing System Easy to Install, Easy to Use, and Easy to Mainta in Check to make sure the system is not so complicated that it’s unusable, or even that some of the key features are not usable.It should have a clear, concise, and easy to use menu and an intuitive user interface. Many IT people have a knack for learning how to use new technologies. For this reason, have a few others in your organization try it out and use it before buying. Attentive, Accessible Customer Support When it comes to video conferencing, you cannot underestimate how important customer support is – including technical support – for your system. A video conference is a live event with a live, interactive audience.When something goes wrong, and all too often with new technologies it will – it’s like a dropped phone call during a critical business negotiation – but to the 1,000th degree. You want to make sure that you can access support and get solutions ASAP if you have any issues with your equipment or connection. Competitively Priced and Great Value Today, the popularity of video conferencing among businesses has skyrocketed, and hence there are many players who have entered the market.This is good news for buyers because these companies are competing for your business. You want a company that has a good track record of success and one that can prove it with existing customers testimonials, case studies, and references. And as with other parts of your business, be clear about your objectives first and what you aim to achieve with your video conferencing system, including your return on investment, before you open up your wallet.  © CompareBusinessProducts. com (877) 852-5226 5

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Romanticism: Be Naturally Unique Ralph Wald Emerson once said, â€Å"to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. † The people from the Romanticism period in Europe during the nineteenth century would strongly agree with Emerson words. Romantics thought it was important to be different and unique. Romantics are: Sensitive, emotional, prefer color to form, the exotic to the familiar, [are] eager for†¦ Adventure†¦ F fantasy, [are] insistent on the uniqueness of the individual to the point of making a virtue eccentricity, the typical Romantic will old that he cannot be typical, for the very concept of â€Å"typical† suggests the work of the pigeonholing intellect he scorns. (Britton) Romanticism â€Å"can be defined as a reaction against eighteenth-century neoclassicism and the rationalism and physical materialism of the European Enlightenment† (Edwards). It supported opposite ideas than tho se from the Enlightenment.In Capper David Fredrick's art, Ludwig Tick's literature, Viscount Franà §ois Rene © De Sectarianism's religious proposals, and J. G. Herder's philosophical ideas, these key concepts of Romanticism are found. Capper David Fredrick's painting â€Å"Abbey Graveyard in the Snow,† depicts a Gothic view of a magical monastic church. It â€Å"rejects the limits of Enlightenment rationalism and the reality of nineteenth century urban life† (Sherman 107). The painting accurately demonstrates the sublime; it shows the importance of nature and arouses strong emotions, especially fear (Kananga et. L. 583). It is a very spooky painting that shows the contribution of surreal images during the Romantic period. Although it is somewhat accurate, many of its characteristics include unrealistic and imaginative concepts. An important Romantic idea is that one's emotions and feelings are more important than rationality and order, as was supported during the En lightenment. Nature was also a very important characteristic of Romanticism. Frederica does a great Job of including â€Å"the spirituality of nature and the glories or Christianity' (Sherman 107) in this painting.He portrays the humans as very insignificant compared to the overwhelming natural figures surrounding them. This melancholy painting clearly demonstrates many of the important aspects from the Romantic period. Like Frederica, Johann Gottfried herder showed the key concepts of Romanticism but through his philosophical essay â€Å"On the Knowing and Feelings of the Human Soul. † By â€Å"[rejecting] the mechanical explanation of nature†¦ [and] believing [that] each language and culture are the unique expression of people† (Kananga et. L. 588) it is evident that Herder is a true Romantic man. To Herder, nature and organic concepts were significant aspects. Individuality and each individual accepting their unique qualities was also something that Herder sup ported and thought was important for each person to have, Just as most Romantics do. Viscount Franà §ois Rene © De Sectarianism's book, The Genius of Christianity also demonstrates the â€Å"strong Roman Catholic revival [that] took place in France† during the Romantic period (Kananga et. Al. 587).This book taught all Catholics that â€Å"the foundation of faith in the church was the emotion that its teachings and sacraments inspired in the heart of the Christian† (Kananga et. Al. 587). Passion was very important to Catholicism in Sectarianism's perspective. In the book, Scatterbrained writes, â€Å"every thing in a Gothic church reminds you of the labyrinths of a wood†¦ And] excites a feeling of religious awe, of mystery, and of the Divinity' (Sherman 107). The Genius of Christianity shows classic characteristics from the Romantic period such as curiosity in the supernatural and the irrational, along with dramatic and gothic scenes created.As Scatterbrained s ays himself, â€Å"the more remote were these times the more magical they appeared†¦ The more they inspired ideas†¦ † (Sherman 107). Scatterbrained sees a correlation between the secluded time period and the magical and imaginative interpretations. To depict Romantic characteristics, Ludwig Thick sees his novel, William Lovely, to create a comparison between a Romantic character, Lovely, and Enlightened characters. Lovely's â€Å"life is built on love and imagination† (Kananga et. Al. 81) but the people he is compared to â€Å"live by cold reason alone† (Kananga et. Al. 581). Ludwig attacks reasonable and rational concepts by saying that imagination is better and more important. By portraying two women, who are very materialistic and reasonable, and how they destroy Lovely, Thick does a good Job of criticizing the rational world. Because Thick depicts the negative aspects of enlightened thought, he, at the same time, tries to support and overcome peopl e with natural, irrational, and imaginative Romantic ideals.Evidently, it was very important to Romantics to remain unique individuals and be proud of their own individuality. They all enjoyed nature and what it brought for people in this Romantic period. Although something might be strange, or even scary, it was admired for its natural appeal and the affect it had on one's emotions. Oliver James put the importance of individuality into the question, â€Å"why are you trying so hard to fit in, when you're born to stand out? â€Å" Romanticism The Romantic Era was a phenomenal movement in which many artistic and literary ideas emerged in the 18th century in Europe. Writers, painters, and artists put more expression and knowledge in their work and they were the reason of the emergence of later ideas that were beneficial to society. Rupee's Romanticism later influenced the world. The whole point of this era was that it displayed enthusiastic emotion, emphasis, and excitement without the fear of other's opinion.In the middle of the eighteenth century, the word â€Å"Romantic† was used as an adjective to praise natural happenings like beautiful views and nature. Romanticism was known first by landscape paintings from as early as the sass British artists. Later in the 19th-20th century, many authors were inspired by Romanticism to write novels based on past literature in that period. Many literature writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne were inspired by this time period in which it lead them to write ro mantic literature.There were different types of literatures and influences that applied to these writers. A few examples of the Romanticism literature were Romantic and English literature. Many American writers were influenced by this movement and similarly, they also establish a high level of enthusiasm and emphasis in their writing. Soon, this era became popular not only in America, but in other places as well. Also, a new genre in America was developed which was called romance and this continuously influenced other American writers. The wars during the Romantic Era also influenced writing and art.These wars, The Seven Years' War, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars influenced literature that can be seen in the writing and art. â€Å"The strong feelings that wartime produced, served as a catalyst for an outpouring of art and literature, the likes of which had never been seen before† (Greenbelt) Also, during this time period, there was an increase in female writer and readers. A group of poets named William Wordsmith, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, Percy Abysses Shelley, and William Blake were considered o be the important figures that started the romantic movement.The poem written by Samuel and William were often believed to be the start of the Romantic Era especially the poem called Lyrical Ballads that was printed in 1798. The poet, Thomas Chesterton is considered to be the first poet in English literature. Also, Lord Bryon and Walter Scott accomplished a huge amount of fame and influence throughout Europe, which I think how North America got influenced. â€Å"Surprising as it may seem to us, living after the Romantic Movement has transformed older ideas about iterate, in the Middle Ages authority was prized more highly than originality† (Spearing).As we can see, literatures in past eras make what modern literature is today now. In my opinion, this era is important because it helped developed more emotion into literature maki ng it a more interesting thing for the readers. It also helped bring new ideas about art and literature. Also, some books that are well known in the Romantic Era are Mob Dick, Uncle Tom's Cabin, and Frankincense. In conclusion, many literary eras showed characteristics from this event and it is continually developing ideas. Romanticism Eden Gayety Romanticism Poetry English H 10 Due to the outbreak of rationalism from the Scientific Revolution, people began focusing on optimism and humanism to make the world a better place in which they called the Enlightenment. Following this, The Romantic Movement is said to have began in the sass's and is known as an international artistic and philosophical movement that focused on the thought of oneself and the world. Its span also included the American Revolution (1776) and the French Revolution (1789) and is often called the â€Å"age of revolutions† continuing to the Industrial Revolution.Romanticism transforms the theory and practice of all art and the way we perceive the world; artists of the time glorified nature, idealized the past, and celebrated the divinity of all creation (Introduction to Romanticism). John Keats was one of many Romantic poets; his work is also some of many famous and cherished pieces of art. Keats was born in 1795 and the rest of his short li fe ending in 1821 was devoted to the perfection of poetry. He used immense imagery and philosophy throughout his poems.When Keats was a child, his father offered a terrible accident and died when he was only eight years old. This event shaped Keats' understanding of human conditions such as the idea of suffering and loss. After two poorly reviewed and criticized publications, Keats decided to change and envisioned a kind of poetry blooming its beauty from human experiences (biography. Com). One of his more sensuous works was â€Å"To Autumn† and â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† which was his more different ode and individualized poem. To Autumn† explicates the season of autumn as a female goddess, her hair â€Å"soft- fifed† by the wind and â€Å"drowsed with the fume of poppies† while fruits ripen and late flowers bloom in the panicking weeks before winter begins. â€Å"Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? / Think not of them, thou hast t hy music too,† begins the last stanza. Keats uses these lines to tell Autumn not to wonder where the songs of spring have gone, but to listen to her own music. The poem continues with the ending of autumn as â€Å"small gnats mourn among the river sallow,† and â€Å"gathering swallows twitter in the skies.Keats uses this poem to show his ability of rhyme and vivid imagery by each stanza flowing so generously from line to line with a sense of emotion and visible scenery only few of many people can accomplish. â€Å"To Autumn† also pursues Romanticism because it accentuates the being of nature and the divinity of creation. â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† opens with the declaration of heartache, feeling numb like he had drank hemlock or a dull opiate. He addresses a nightingale he acquaintances the rest of the poem.Within the eight stanzas consisting often lines each, Keats wows the progression of the speaker who begins with a careless attitude, â€Å"With bead ed bubbles winking at the brim, / And purple-stained mouth; / That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, / And with thee fade away into the forest dim:† then continuing to explain to the nightingale his desire to fade away, saying he would like to forget the troubles the nightingale has ever known. Keats writes in the third stanza â€Å"Where youth grows pale, and specter-thin, and dies;† that he refers to his brother who past away the previous winter from tuberculosis (Prentice Hall, 723).The peaked tells the nightingale to fly away and he will follow but not through alcohol in which Keats expresses he will follow â€Å"But on the viewless wings of Poesy,† meaning through poetry. In the sixth stanza, the speaker admits to the nightingale he has often been â€Å"half in love with useful Death† and carries on to believe the idea of dying seems richer than ever, longing to â€Å"cease upon the midnight with no pain† while the nightingale â€Å"p ouring forth thy soul abroad / In such ecstasy! The speaker states forlorn like a bell to toll him back to consciousness. As the nightingale flies way from him, the speaker mourns that his imagination failed him and cannot recall whether the bird's music â€Å"Was it a vision, or a waking dream? / Fled is that music: -Do I wake or sleep? † What differs from â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale† and Keats' other creations of odes are that its rhyme scheme is the same in every stanza, ABSCONDED.As well as in â€Å"To Autumn† Keats shows an immense ability to word his lines illustrating imagery and remaining loyal to his rhyme scheme. All of John Keats' works of literature are going to reflect the ideas of Romanticism because he is one of the many tests who created the philosophical ideas of Romanticism and what we define it as Romanticism was crucial to American culture because Romanticists such as Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allen Poe played a huge role in our literary histo ry.Germany was alongside Europe during their Romantic Movement with the famous Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who created the novel, The Sorrows of Young Wrester. Like all other eras in world history, it most likely becomes global and depending on where determines the type of people consisting of it and what they make of their work. Romanticism Franz Kafka, translated by Mark Herman Chicken; 328 pages; Franz Kava's name has been appropriated as our century's reigning adjective; ‘Kafkaesque† is a word for which no adequate synonym exists. From the absurd circuitry of managed care to our Deliberateness workplaces and the bizarre comic opera playing in Washington, the relevance of ‘The Castle,† Kava's Para able of bureaucracy gone mad, has never been lost on the modern reader.Until now, the accepted English version of ‘ ‘The Castle† has been the 1925 translation by Will and Edwin Mir, who believed Kava's unfinished novel was about the quest for an unavailable God, according to Mark Herman, translator of the present volume. Harm's new translation emphasizes modern and post- modern meanings; Herman believes the book is about meaning itself, about the multiple interpretations of documents and events, but his translation opens up a variety of readings. In ‘The Castle,† a man na med K. Arrives in a village where he has perhaps been summoned o work as a land surveyor.Its inhabitants seem to be expecting him and not to be expecting him, and there seems to be a Job and to be no Job. Presiding over the village is a castle, which sometimes can and cannot be reached by telephone, and from which officials, who sometimes can and cannot be spoken to, descend to the village. K. Struggles at first to make his way to the castle, but quickly sees that no roads lead there; he then tries to make a place for himself in the village, whose inhabitants alter neatly welcome, manipulate and reject him. Each scene in which he rise to locate himself is both ghastly and funny. K. s given a letter signed by someone named Claim, who may or may not have the authority to certify that he is employed, The letter seems to confirm and not confirm his employment and may have been delivered late or by accident by an unreliable messenger. The letter directs him to report too chairman, but th e chairman tells him, ‘ ‘You were, as you say, taken on as a surveyor but we don't need a surveyor †¦ The boundaries of our small holdings have been marked out, everything has been duly registered, the repertories themselves rarely change hands, and whatever small boundary disputes arise, we settle ourselves. K. Is also sent two assistants, referred to as his old assistants though they are unfamiliar to him and do nothing to assist. He is alternately offered lodgings and positions and dismissed from them by people who speak in riddles. K. Takes up with Fried, Salaam's previous mistress, but relations between them soon deteriorate into the same circuitous misunderstandings that characterize all K. ‘s dealings in the book. Every personal relationship is contaminated y the overall structure of mystery and despair.Kafka died of tuberculosis, leaving ‘The Castle† and two other novels unfinished. As Herman explains, his friend Max Brood defied Kava's ins tructions to burn his unfinished work. Kava's books were blacklisted by the Nazis as ‘ ‘harmful and undesirable writings† in the ‘ass. The present volume is translated from the 1982 German critical edition, which restores Kava's style and syntax. The Emirs eased Kava's dry, colloquial style and shaded his meanings to suggest a religious interpretation.In one long, painfully hilarious sequence about the rationale for officials interrogating people at night rather than in the daytime, the Emirs refer to those interrogated as ‘ ‘applicants,† a term that could indeed allude to petitioners before God. In the present version, however, Herman uses the word ‘parties,† suggesting legal proceedings, and indeed the scene, with clerks delivering mysterious files on carts while officials alternately scream for them and drop them, conjures up the courthouse from hell. Critics have also suggested that the book is a long meditation on anti-Semit ism, in that K. s a perpetual outsider or reasons no one can define. It is also simultaneously about class, another illogical hierarchy that K. Defers to and resists. But in our own time, it is hard to resist the book's implications for political and bureaucratic lunacy. Romanticism The emphasis of Romanticism is on the imagination and emotion and it started as reaction against the Industrial Revolution, which emphasized commercial production as well as a response to the disillusionment with the Enlightenment values of reason ND order caused by the ending of the French Revolution (1789). The Romanticism was a period in which certain ideas and attitudes arose; intellect became the dominant mode of expression. Expression was everything to the Romantics; art, music, poetry, drama, literature and philosophy (The History guide).The Romantics opted for a life of the heart and appreciated diversity in man and nature. Change – The Romantics were liberals and conservatives, revolutionaries and reactionaries. Some were preoccupied with God, others were atheistic to the core. The Romantics saw diversity and uniqueness – those traits created diversity between an and nations. The Romantics exclaimed, â€Å"Dare to be! † (The History guide). The old order politics and the economy seemed to be falling apart and raised the threat of moral disaster. There need to build and reshape new systems of discipline and order grew.The era was full of innovative ideas and new art forms. Zeitgeist – â€Å"Hedge's idea of the zeitgeist, the â€Å"spirit of the age,† the ghostly embodiment of the most important factors that are acting in human history at any given time, was frequently invoked as an idea conveying a vague sense of historical and natural inevitability to whatever the writer favored. Hedge's concept of the zeitgeist gave thinkers a carte blanches to imagine sweeping historical scenarios manifesting various historical inevitabilities and grand narratives† (rationalism. Com).The intellectual with ideas always faces problems. Questions of meaning, interpretation and an acceptance of a particular Zeitgeist, or climate of opinion or world view is serious but difficult stuff. Expression – Romantics believed in art that created strong emotions. It encouraged poetry to be freer in technique and effects (rationalism. Com), and finding inspiration in other forms of media and even using it reading their own. The idea of the genius is another thing we owe to Romanticism; it was the cornerstone of the aesthetic philosophy. Romanticism American Literature Romanticism Essay Irving and Romanticism What is Romanticism? Today, people would relate it with love and romance, however Romanticism is actually a style of literature that emphasizes imagination and emotion ins. It flourished in Europe and America throughout the 18th and 19th century and began a after the French Revolution in 1789. It was used by many authors and poets, such as Washings on Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, and William Sullen Bryant.Romanticism writers glorified nature, did legalized the past, and celebrated the divinity of creation and mystery. Washington Irving was a Romantic writer in the sass. He was the first American writ to achieve an international reputation. He was the youngest writer at this time, being published at the age of 16. Irving based most of his works on German folk tales and used satire in one of his most famous folk tales, â€Å"The Devil and Tom Walker. † In, â€Å"The Devil and Tom Walker,† Irving uses Romantic qualit ies such as, awareness of he past, nature, supernatural element, and mystery.He creates the setting at the be ginning of the story using nature and then uses awareness of the past to show what time the story I s taking place in. Then, he uses mystery by making the reader use their imagination as to where To m Walker's wife went and uses supernatural element with the devil. He creates the plot and the r details by using these Romanticism qualities. Irving writes about good versus evil or in this case, the Devil versus God. In this story,Tom Walker represents greed and teaches people to not be greedy. Irving makes the reader realize that people do anything they can to become rich and have money. In this case , Tom Walker sold his soul to the devil for money, but after he had what he wanted, he became me scared about what would happen to him in the afterlife. Many people throughout their lives do this as well, meaning that they do not care until it is too late. In conclusion, Irving wa s an outstanding writer and used Romanticism throughout his